October: Fall has started. We spent a day learning about apples and even making applesauce. The classes took walks outside looking for fall leaves and squirrel nests. The students enjoyed making trees with falling leaves, acorns, squirrels, and pumpkin crafts. Each day they get to change the face of our jack o’ lantern bulletin board with different shapes for eyes, nose, and teeth. Both classes had a wonderful Hat Party on October 31st. The students passed out treats to their classmates. Thank you for sending in such wonderful surprises to share. Everyone enjoyed making shaving cream slime! The morning class finished their activities with numbers: Namaan washing in the river 7 times, God creating the world in 7 days, 8 legs on a spider, and a turkey with 9 feathers! They also learned about the life of Moses, ending with the 10 plagues and 10 commandments. The afternoon completed the color rainbow with a story of Joseph’s coat of many colors.

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