
Day & Time:   Sunday, 9:30 am Service


The acolytes are the young people who assist during the service by carrying the torches during the processional and recessional, lighting and extinguishing the candles, receiving the offering plates, and assisting the celebrants ministering at the altar and in the sanctuary.  



Altar Guild

Directoress:   Kathy Svendson

Day & Time:   Sunday, 9:30 am Service


The altar guild is an essential ministry in every church. The members are appointed by the rector, and their main purpose is to serve the rector by assisting and helping him prepare all those things necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist. They are the backstage crews, so to speak, for all the church services. At St. Philip’s we are fortunate to have such loyal, dedicated and caring members who work diligently every week for the glory of God.




Director/Organist:   David Bolthouse

Day & Time:   Sunday, 9:30 am Service


We are eager to welcome anyone who would like to join us. Rehearsals are usually at 8:30 am Sunday mornings, and if you play an instrument, please let us know so we can include your talents in our plans. We welcome new choir members all year long.     



Counters, Greeters and Ushers

Leader:  Bob Purcell

Day & Time:   Sundays, 9:30 am Services


The purpose of the Counters Committee is to calculate all donations from Sunday services; other church services, such as, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday; and other special services, such as funerals. Once the tallies are completed, the information is keyed into the Church Windows software for record keeping. You can participate and/or help our plans by volunteering to be a counter. Each month a team of two people performs these duties. We always welcome new committee member, even as a substitute counter. The greeters and ushers are responsible for greeting our members at the entrance of the church, handing out the program for the service, passing the collection plates during the offertory, and, directing attendees for Communion.



Lay Readers, Lectors and Chalice Bearers

Scheduler:   Madeline Rorrie

Day & Time:   Sunday, 9:30 am Service


The Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM) are lay readers who volunteer who serve our Lord weekly during the service by reading the Scripture Readings for each service, the intercessory prayer for each service, and assisting during communion by acting as chalice bearers. We have a variety of vested lectors, first and second chalice bearers, first and second readers, youth readers and intercessors. We also have licensed Eucharistic ministers who assist in serving our shut-ins.  Lay Eucharistic Visitor takes pre-consecrated bread and wine to the homebound or those in hospitals.  Click here to view the Lay Eucharistic Visitor Ministry’s Pamphlet.

Click here to view Bishop Anderson’s website for the Chaplaincy Program.


If interested in serving on one of these ministries, please click here to email the parish office.

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